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About Us

Financial Information

We have a responsibility to our community and donors, and we work hard to ensure long-term sustainability of the organization.

T.T.T. is an IRS status 501(c)3 organization, incorporated in the State of Iowa. We are in compliance with fundraising regulations in our states of operation. We have the necessary policies in place to protect our members and those we serve.

Our IRS Form 990 is available for review, as required by law.

  • The National T.T.T. Society files 990 documents annually to report the income and use of funds collected.

  • A summary of the financial and organizational dimensions of the Society.

  • Profile of the National T.T.T. Society for 2021 - 2023.

Funding comes from many sources:

  • Member Dues

    T.T.T. members pay dues to the national and local organization annually.

  • Chapter and Individual Gifts

    Chapters of T.T.T. conduct fundraising projects every year. A portion of this revenue is given to the National Project.

  • National Fundraising

    The National Fundraising Committee sponsors public fundraising projects year. Watch for announcements in the fall and spring.

  • Facebook Fundraising

    Members and chapters sponsor personal Facebook fundraising to support the Society.

  • National and local companies and foundations are welcomed as partners.

  • Individuals who commit to a gift of $2500 or more are welcomed into the Founders Circle for major donors. Gifts may be made by naming T.T.T. in a Will or Trust, as a one-time gift, or by regular, sustained giving over time. Contact the National Office for information or download the brochure and donor form.